Станки со склада в Польше
По специальной цене токарные и фрезерные станки со склада в Польше. TBI TC300 VC1060 ir VC1270

Special offer for turning machine TBI TC 300 Compact and milling centre VC1060HH! During exibition in Poznan we offer tool sets for these machines for free and and special payment conditions! Fast delivery up to 2 weeks.

Jumsinfo straipsnis
Jumsinfo straipsnis parašė apie UAB Aplameta kaip TBI Technology bei Gizelis atstovę. Parašytame straipsnyje galima sužinoti apie apdirbimo pramonę, ką vertėtų pasirinkti ir kaip rinktis atidžiai. Norint peržiūrėti straipsnį, galite paspausti šią nuorodą : INFOJUMS Bei perskaityti apačioje :

We would like to present ROBO series, from BOSCHERT GIZELIS. We have the opportunity to show new and ultimate products in machinery world. These are two types of Robot machines, that are constructed to work without such a big effort and let robot to work by itself. We propose — ROBOWELD and ROBOBEND from these series. […]